Mohammad Ali Saket 2018 Prize Paper Award

October 5, 2019 (5y ago)

Mohammad Ali Saket Wins Second Place in 2018 IEEE Prize Paper Awards

Mohammad Ali Saket won the Second Place for the 2018 Prize Paper Awards: IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. This is a great achievement for him and the #martinordonezlab.

“It took 2 years and many experiments, but winning the second prize paper of the year made it worthwhile,” says Mohammad Ali Saket.

He also mentioned that this prize is the result of cooperation with Dr. Navid Shafiei, Chris Botting, Marian Craciun, and #martinordonezlab.

The paper can be found here:
Planar transformers with near-zero common-mode noise for flyback and forward converters


M. A. Saket, M. Ordonez, and N. Shafiei,
"Planar transformers with near-zero common-mode noise for flyback and forward converters," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 1554–1571, Feb. 2018.