The IEEE PELS Vancouver Power Electronics Chapter
Grid Modernization - Paving the path for the future D. Jim Papadoulis and Valentina Dabic (BC Hydro)
Challenges and innovation opportunities for electrifying the transportation sector | Prof. Olivier Trescases (University of Toronto)
EnerSys developments in lithium-ion storage technologies Joern Tinnemeyer and Victor Goncalves (EnerSys)
Single Reference Six Pulse Modulation (SRSPM) for High-Frequency Pulsating DC Link Three-Phase Inverters | Dr. Akshay Kumar Rathore (Concordia University)
Safety Considerations for Electronics Development | Nicholas Dohmeier (Delta-Q Technologies)
Introduction to Embedded Software Development in Power Electronics | Jan Hammer (University of British Columbia)
Sustaingineering - Developing Student Talent and Sustainable Technology | Matthieu Amyotte (University of British Columbia)
Battery Health, Monitoring and Charging | Navid Shafiei (University of British Columbia)
Recent Innovations in Real-Time Simulation | Ramin Mirzahosseini (RTDS Technologies Inc.)
In-The-Loop Testing Of Power Electronic Systems | Kristofer Eberle (Plexim, Inc.)
Modulation Design for Improved Efficiency in Solar PV Converters | Emanuel Serban (Schneider Electric)
Islanded Microgrid Energy Management | Moein Manbachi (University of British Columbia)
Test Automation with LabVIEW | Jerry Wu (Alpha Technologies Ltd.)
IEEE Vancouver Power Electronics Chapter
The Vancouver Section of IEEE was originally established as a Section of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE) in 1911, and is the second oldest Section in Canada. It is one of the largest Sections of the country, and currently has about 2200 active members, including over 300 students at UBC, BCIT and SFU. It serves the geographical region of British Columbia, with the exception of the Vancouver Island, which is served by the Victoria Section. In order to engage the local engineering community, the Section organizes tours and events, and hosts technical presentations and seminars on topics of current interest to professionals of the field. The 34 IEEE technical societies are represented by 15 technical Chapters, among which stands the Vancouver Power Electronics Chapter.
In 2016, Dr. Martin Ordonez was elected the new chair of the IEEE Vancouver Power Electronics Chapter, alongside the vice-chairs Hamed Valipour and Francisco Paz. Ever since, the Chapter has organized several events in the power electronics area, including academic lectures, industrial tutorials, an international conference and an industry/academia series. Invited speakers from different countries have been welcomed to Vancouver to share their expertise in power electronics and renewable energy systems. In addition, the Chapter has hosted the seventh International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems (PEDG), bringing together 180 experts in power electronics to present the latest advancements in distributed generation. In recognition of the results obtained by the new Chapter leadership, the Small Technical Chapter Award was granted by the IEEE Vancouver Section at the 2017 IEEE Vancouver Annual General Meeting.
Kaiser Chair Energy Security Talk Series
Grid Modernization - Paving the Path for the Future
Learn about grid modernization and how to plan, design, and engineer your system
D. Jim Papadoulis, Valentina Dabic
BC Hydro
Kaiser Chair Energy Security Talk Series
Challenges and Innovation Opportunities for Electrifying the Transportation Sector
Lunch and learn about the challenges in electrifying the transportation sector
Prof. Olivier Trescases
University of Toronto
High Performance Gate-Driver Power Supply for Renewable and Energy Storage Converters
High Performance Gate-Driver Power Supply for Renewable Energy and Converters
Webinar on high performance gate-driver power supply for renewable energy and converters
Dr. Emanuel Serban
Free-Position Wireless Chargers: Fundamentals and Challenges
Fundamentals and Challenges of Free-Position Wireless Charging
Webinar on fundamentals of free-position wireless charging and the technical challenges
Dr. Ali Saket, Mr. Eric Goodchild
IEEE PELS Industry-Academia Series: EnerSys Developments in Lithium-Ion Storage Technologies
Developments in Lithium-Ion Storage Technologies
Lunch and learn about EnerSys developments in lithium-ion storage technologies
Joern Tinnemeyer
IEEE PELS Seminars on the Myths of Transmission Lines and High-Power Battery Chargers
Myths of Transmission Lines and High-Power Battery Chargers
Lunch and learn about the myths of transmission lines and high-power battery chargers
Dr. Jahangir Khan, Sayed Abbas Arshadi
BC Hydro, The University of British Columbia (UBC)
IEEE PELS Seminars on Electric Vehicle Charging Stations and High Power Density Converters
Electric Vehicle Charging Stations and High Power Density Converters
Lunch and learn about high power density power converters and battery electric vehicle charging stations
Dr. Ali Khajehoddin, Dr. Aitor Vázquez Ardura
University of Alberta, University of Oviedo
IEEE PELS Seminars on Single Reference Six Pulse Modulation (SRSPM)
Single Reference Six Pulse Modulation (SRSPM) for High-Frequency Pulsating DC Link Three-Phase Inverters
Lunch and learn about single reference six pulse modulation (SRSPM) for high-frequency pulsating DC link three-phase inverters
Dr. Akshay Kumar Rathore
Concordia University
IEEE PELS Seminars on Safety Considerations for Electronics Development
Safety Considerations for Electronics Development
A quick refresher on common hazards found in electronics development and ideas to improve safety
Nicholas Dohmeier
Delta-Q Technologies
IEEE PELS Seminars on Embedded Software Development in Power Converters
Embedded Software Development in Power Converters
Lunch and learn about embedded software development in power converters
Steven Marks, Jan Hammer
SMPC Technologies Ltd.
IEEE PELS Seminars on Engineering Education and Sustainable Technology in Developing Countries
Engineering Education and Sustainable Technology in Developing Countries
Lunch and learn about engineering education and sustainable technology in developing countries
Harry Pigot, Matthieu Amyotte
University of British Columbia
IEEE PELS Seminars on Data-Driven Control and Asymmetrical Inverters
Data-Driven Control and Asymmetrical Inverters
Lunch and learn about data-driven control and asymmetrical inverters for renewable energy integration
Dr. Gerardo Escobar Valderrama, Dr. Jonathan C. Mayo-Maldonado
Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education
IEEE PELS Seminars on Power Electronic Devices Characterization and Temperature Measurement Techniques
Power Electronic Devices Characterization and Temperature Measurement Techniques
Lunch and learn about the power electronic devices characterization and temperature measurement techniques
Daryl James, Ettore Scabeni Glitz, Maria Celeste Garcia, Matthieu Amyotte
OSENSA Innovations Corp.
IEEE PELS Seminars on Analytics Systems Ltd. and Dual-Loop Control Algorithms in Resonant Converters
Dual-Loop Control Algorithms in Resonant Converters
Introduction to Analytics Systems Ltd. and Dual-Loop Control Algorithms in Resonant Converters
Eugene Trandafir, Franco Degioanni
Analytics Systems Ltd.
IEEE PELS Seminars on EMI Regulatory Compliance, and the Next Generations of Heat Sinks
EMI Regulatory Compliance, and the Next Generations of Heat Sinks Using Graphite
Lunch and Learn about the EMI regulatory compliance and advanced heat sink technologies using graphite
Rob Stirling, Martin Cermak
EMC, Simon Fraser University
IEEE PELS Seminars on Real-Time Simulation and Islanded Microgrid Energy Management
Real-Time Simulation and Islanded Microgrid Energy Management
Lunch and Learn about innovations in real-time simulation and islanded microgrid energy management
Ramin Mirzahosseini, Moein Manbachi
RTDS Technologies Inc., UBC
IEEE PELS Seminars on Photovoltaic Inverters
Photovoltaic Inverters at Utility Scale and Modulation Design
Coffee and Learn about utility-scale photovoltaic inverters and modulation design
Subhadeep Bhattacharya, Emanuel Serban
Schneider Electric
IEEE PELS Seminars on Test Automation with LabVIEW
Test Automation with LabVIEW
Lunch and Learn about test automation using LabVIEW
Jerry Wu
Alpha Technologies Ltd.
IEEE PELS Seminars on Flywheel Energy Storage
Flywheel Energy Storage: The Utility Scale Energy Storage Solution
Lunch and Learn about flywheel energy storage for utility-scale applications
Seth R. Sanders
UC Berkeley
IEEE PELS Seminars on In-The-Loop Testing of Power Electronic Systems
In-The-Loop Testing of Power Electronic Systems
Lunch and Learn about Plexim's in-the-loop testing of power electronic systems
Kristofer Eberle
Plexim, Inc.
IEEE PELS Seminars on DC Grids and Energy Internet in China
Photovoltaic DC Grids and Energy Internet in China
Lunch and Learn about photovoltaic DC grids and the energy internet in China
Kai Sun
Tsinghua University
IEEE PELS Seminars on Utilities and PV Power Plant Design
The Past and Future of Utilities and PV Power Plant Design
Lunch and Learn about the evolution and future of utilities and PV power plant design
Cam LeHouillier, Francisco Paz
Tacoma Power, UBC
IEEE PELS Seminars on Battery Health, Monitoring, and Charging
Battery Health, Monitoring, and Charging
Lunch and Learn about battery health, monitoring, and charging techniques
Isidor Buchmann, Tina Shoa, Navid Shafiei
CADEX Electronics, UBC